Sunday, October 22, 2017

Premiere CC clips drag in without audio....aaaaarghh

With all the new random updates in CC, it is sometimes hard to keep up.  This problem was absolutely making me crazy.  Thankfully I wasn't the only one.  Thanks to the poster for this video.  Sanity restored.

Monday, September 25, 2017

How do you create Camera shake?
Re: Camera shake from a jet flying by the screenby on Dec 12, 2013 at 9:59:55 am

You can make this process easier by adding an expression.
First, precompose your scene, and then alt-click the stop watch next to the position property. You'll see an area appear where you can insert text (an expression). Select any text that's there and replace it with "wiggle(x,y)" - not including the quotations. For x, put the number of shakes you want per second. For y, enter the value for how large the shake should be (in pixels).
If you want to control this even more so that the wiggle only happens at a certain time, drop a "Slider Control" effect on your layer. This time make your expression say "wiggle(x," and then drag the pick whip to where it says "slider" on your Slider Control effect. Finish by adding the ")" at the end. It should now read wiggle(x,effect("Slider Control")("Slider"))
Now, the wiggle amount will follow your slider value, which you can keyframe to occur at the right time.
You can check out this documentation for further clarification:
Brendon Murphy

Friday, April 14, 2017

Create Offline Installer For Visual Studio 2017 Community or Enterprise in Windows

Why they don't have a offline installer for this is beyond me, but, it is pretty simple to create one (when you know how!!).

go to and download the visual studio of your choice.  I will use community for the example.
once downloaded run "cmd.exe" (command prompt)
go to your download directory
for me it is on c drive:
cd \users\ben\downloads

make a new directory (call it whatever you want, I called it VCCOM)

then run the command:
vc_community.exe --layout VCCOM

it will open a separate command prompt and start the download.  The download is approx 25GB, so it may take a while, depending on your connection.

All the files from this example will be stored in c:\users\ben\downloads\VCCOM

To install, simply open the created directory and run the vs_community.exe (you can transfer this directory anywhere and install it on any PC.

thanks to unExample Tech for the solution:

Monday, March 20, 2017

Stop windows 10 hanging on boot up (infinite circle on black screen)

The Problem: Every time I boot up after a normal shut down,  it will sit on a black screen with a spinning windows circle... it will never actually boot.   By holding the power button, it will boot perfectly next time.

This has been driving me mad for a bit... was starting to consider it must have been a dying boot drive or something.  However, the problem is actually a power management issue incompatibility issue.  Basically your computer cannot hibernate properly.  "but I have disabled all hibernation options" I here you say.... yes, so had I, so I thought:

there is a very simple fix:

You need to go to power settings in control panel and switch off "fast start up"... ironically so called.
If you can't find it, here are the steps:

1. Control Panel / Hardware and Sound / Power Options
2. click "Choose What the power buttons do

3. click "change settings that are currently unavailable"

4. Then uncheck "Turn on fast startup"... and I would recommend also unchecking "sleep", as if your system can't fast start, it probably can't sleep properly either.

5. This is what it should look like (Make sure you save changes!)

And enjoy a boot up every time!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

How to fix Facebook wrong featured image (Wordpress)

If you have ever posted anything on wordpress, and accidentally forgotten to add a featured image, you will notice, even if you change the featured image, the facebook preview will maintain.

Very simple to fix:
Simply go to this website, and enter your url that isn't working:

Then press "scrape", you should see the preview image change.  If it doesn't, just hit it again.

that is all.