Why they don't have a offline installer for this is beyond me, but, it is pretty simple to create one (when you know how!!).
go to https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/whatsnew/ and download the visual studio of your choice. I will use community for the example.
once downloaded run "cmd.exe" (command prompt)
go to your download directory
for me it is on c drive:
cd \users\ben\downloads
make a new directory (call it whatever you want, I called it VCCOM)
then run the command:
vc_community.exe --layout VCCOM
it will open a separate command prompt and start the download. The download is approx 25GB, so it may take a while, depending on your connection.
All the files from this example will be stored in c:\users\ben\downloads\VCCOM
To install, simply open the created directory and run the vs_community.exe (you can transfer this directory anywhere and install it on any PC.
thanks to unExample Tech for the solution: