Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Easy Way To Animate a Line or Arrow Along A Line

This is a good way to make a path, or animate an arrow along a path.. better than the previous way actually.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Efficient, Free backup (part of windows!)

I personally hate backup programs which "magically" lock your files up onto a hard drive with a proprietary format that if you lose the header of the file, or you change backup software or whatever random things happens (say your back up drive corrupts)... 

There is a ultra simple and free way in DOS... well.. windows command prompt now.

Now, I'm not sure if this works in windows 7 or lower.. but it works in windows 8.1.. I know they added a lot of dos functionality back into windows 8.. I think this may have been one of them.

Now brace yourself.. this is the procedure:
1. open command prompt (right click on the windows button in windows 8.1) - command prompt
2. type this:
xcopy "folder you are copying from" /s /d /y "folder you are backing up to"
(only type the red stuff)

xcopy "G:\Daniel & The Revelation Series" /s /d /y "H:\Daniel & The Revelation Series"

So what does it do?
/s = copies all directories
/d = copies the files where dates are different
/y = answer yes to everything (overwrites, etc)

/q = quite mode so it doesn't show you what is happening (I wouldn't do that)

If you are ultra lazy (like me) you can create a batch file (right click on desktop make text document, rename it to .bat and paste that command into it.

If that doesn't make sense... comment, I will try to clarify.

that is all.

Friday, March 21, 2014

How to create adjustment layers in premiere

click the new sequence icon at the bottom of the project pain (see below)

then follow the drop down menu - new adjustment layer.
then add your effects to that layer


that is all.